
Jade of Chinese Culture

In the history of the art of the Chinese empire, jade has had a special significance, comparable with that of gold and diamonds in the West.Jade was used for the finest objects and cult figures and for grave furnishings for high-ranking members of the imperial family. *

I guess, as a number of foreigners like you, you may not know much more about the history of jade of China. As a matter of fact, jade has been cherished by the Chinese as a symbol of many virtues. Its hardness suggests firmness and loyalty, and its luster projects purity and beauty. In China, jade carving dates back to the late Old Stone Age. Typical of jade carving are flowers, birds, animals, vases, incense burners, and human figures, especially, beautiful women from popular fairy tales and legends.The skill of the craftsman is shown in his ability to make the best use of the natural color and the shape of the raw material. 
flower of jade
bird of jade

incense burners of jade

beautiful women of jade

Ultimately, according to Chinese culture, it can turn misfortune to good luck and bad things into good. 


*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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