
Peking Opera of Chinese Culture

Do you like listening to Peking Opera?

If you just came to China to sample the best of its Peking Opera in authentic settings, where should you go?
Peking Opera has had the greatest influence and is therefore regarded as a national form.

Peking Opera is a comprehensive performing art: it combines music, singing, dialogue, mime (movements of face and body), acrobatics and martial arts. An actor or actress in Peking Opera has to be a performing artist, a singer, and a dancer at the same time. It usually takes a student more than 10 years’ training to become a qualified performer of Peking Opera.

One of the characteristics of Peking Opera is that various colors are painted on the face of certain roles to show their characteristics and personality; they also provide clues to help the audience understand the plot.

Ø  Red for loyalty and uprightness
Ø  Black symbolizes wisdom
Ø  Blue and green indicate greenwood heroes
Ø  Yellow and white represent snobs
Ø  Silver and gold mean supernatural power

Since 1949, much has been achieving in reforming this traditional opera. Efforts have been made to save the national treasure- Peking Opera, to improve the stagecraft, and to widen the subject matter.

Don’t miss the opportunity to appreciate Peking Opera if possible. You will know that’s the reason why I appreciate Peking Opera performances.

